Gun With Occasional Music Epublibre

2020. 2. 14. 12:11카테고리 없음

Gun With Occasional Music Epublibre

Gumshoe Conrad Metcalf has problems-not the least of which are the rabbit in his waiting room and the trigger-happy kangaroo on his tail. Near-future Oakland is an ominous place where evolved animals function as members of society, the police monitor citizens by their karma levels, and mind-numbing drugs such as Forgettol and Acceptol are all the rage. In this brave new world, Metcalf has been shadowing the wife of an affluent doctor, perhaps falling a little in love with her at the same time. But when the doctor turns up dead, our amiable investigator finds himself caught in the crossfire in a futuristic world that is both funny-and not so funny.

E ssay by Ted GioiaGun, with Occasional Music is the book RaymondChandler might have written if he had spent timeon along with Ken Kesey. Okay, he didn’t.

Gun With Occasional Music Epublibre 2017

So it was left forJonathan Lethem to step into the gap and deliverythis hard-boiled, drugged-out, future-tripping tale ofcrime and karma on thestreets of Oakland.As fans of Lethem’s work havecome to learn, the borderlinesbetween genres are undefendedin his stories—no ID checks, nocustoms agents, no big fence.What starts as a noir mystery orsuperhero adventure can morphinto something quite different inthe very next chapter. Already inthis debut novel, published in 1994 shortly after theauthor’s 30th birthday, he delivers a text that refuses tofit easily into any section of the bookstore.Our story takes place at an undetermined date in thefuture, when police functions have been taken over bypublic inquisitors, but a few P.I.s—private inquisitors—are still allowed to represent clients and do theirgumshoe trade. Our hero Conrad Metcalf learns in theopening pages that his latest client, a prominent doctor,has been murdered in a sleazy motel.

Gun With Occasional Music Epublibre Youtube

But here’s someconsolation: he soon finds a new person seeking hisservices—the man who is being set up by the Inquisitionas the fall guy in the crime.Related ReviewsAs is often the case with Lethem, the fantasy and sci-fielements in this story are woven into the background.The basic plot iswell, perhaps calling it realistic wouldbe going too far. But no leaps into the imaginative voidare necessary to comprehend the familiar detective-tries-to-solve-murder puzzle that sits at the center of Gun,with Occasional Music. What makes Lethem so intriguingas an author of speculative fiction is how much zanycreativity he expends on the smaller details of his stories.Woody Allen once contemplated making a comedy moviein which all of the gags take place in the background,while a serious drama occupies the foreground of thestory. I must have crossed paths with JonathanLethem when he was working at Moe’sbookstore in Berkeley.